Neighborhood News
Community Events Survey
Help us gather information so we can plan events that YOU want to take part in!
Annual Meeting Moved to Nov 14th
The Annual Meeting has been rescheduled for November 14th (5:30p) at the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office.
Entrance Project/No Stoplight
FDOT plans to restrict turns from Sterling Meadows. Please attend the meeting August 6th (5:30) at the Sanford Civic Center to voice your concerns and/or show support for a stoplight. Click Here for more info.
Neighborhood Repave
Seminole County has notified Sterling Meadows residents that street repaving will be taking place July 23rd - August 2nd, 2024. UPDATE: Beginning 7/29
Pressure Washing
Starting May 8, we will be pressure washing the common areas in our community until the job is completed.
Irrigation Update
UPDATE: Reclaimed water has been turned back on by the city. Please test your sprinklers and click here for more info if you have issues with your system.
Entrance Landscaping
A beautification proposal to landscape the neighborhood entrances is in the works.
Reclaimed Water
UPDATE: Restrictions have been lifted. Due to issues with the County treatment plant, reclaimed water for sprinkler systems is only available from 10pm to 5am on your scheduled watering days.
Sidewalk Repairs
The county will be going through and marking X’s on sidewalks in need of repair. Please do not try to remove the markings from the sidewalks. The repairs will be scheduled soon after.
Mailbox Update
A solution is being worked on to improve the mailbox area in regards to accessibility and the trash can situation.
Boil Water Notice
The boil water notice has now been lifted. There were no contaminants detected in the water source at any time. No further action is required.
Wild Hog Update
Most of the wild hogs have been trapped and relocated. If you see any others appear in the neighborhood, please let us know.